Penetration Testing As A Service (PtaaS)

Find & Patch Vulnerabilities Faster, with pentesting integrated to your SDLC.

Detect vulnerabilities in your assets through our hybrid process combining industry leading automated scanners with expert-led manual testing and verification. View and manage all your security risks from a single dashboard, use our streamlined pentest process to remediate risk quickly and innovate securely.


Average cost of a data breach


Companies are unaware of vulnerabilities prior to a breach


of all cyber-attacks are done on small-businesses.

Pentests let you find issues before attackers exploit them.

  • Detect and manage security risks

  • Avoid service outages and data breaches

  • Protect customer loyalty and brand image

  • Meet compliance requirements and evade penalties

Vulnerability Assessment and Penetration Testing (VAPT) is a technique to protect your business against threats by finding them before they are exploited by attackers. Pentests mimic attackers and attempt to hack into your systems, thus identifying where your weaknesses are. Through our service, we help you not just to identify vulnerabilities but also assist your developers to patch that removes or lowers the risks associated with them.

Learn more about pentesting

Why Pentest As A Service?

Traboda's penetration testing as a service (PtaaS) operates in a hybrid model that not just combines automated scanning with expert manual testing & verification, but solutions it with a CXO & dev friendly platform. Here is why our end-to-end managed penetration testing as a service is a better solution for your company -

Our self-service platform gives you full autonomy to plan agile, scalable, and consistent pentesting.

  • Start your pentest in days, not weeks.

  • Scale up and down resources, and update targets without endless negotiations.

  • Setup a streamlined pentest programme to stay compliant consistently.

For Developers

Get clear, actionable instructions to patch every vulnerability, and seamlessly seek help from our specialists.

  • Monitor your vulnerabilities from our user-friendly dashboard, that puts together your team members, CXOs and our security experts on the same page.

  • Fit our findings into your SDLC via our Jira and GitHub integrations, our by using our APIs.

  • View all essential information about every vulnerabilities detected in one place.

  • View steps to exactly reproduce and test vulnerabilities found.

  • Get detailed, actionable steps to fix every single vulnerability.

  • Get contextual help through built-in comment threads, without needing calls and emails.

For Managers

Get a birds eye view on vulnerabilities uncovered, oversee progress and prioritize important patches.

  • Easily oversee penetration test results, severity of risks, and the progress being made on patching them,all through a single dashboard.

  • Prioritize the most impactful patches based on ROI and save your developers’ time.

  • Track status anytime without needing to follow up.

  • Fix faster with our streamlined pentest process that involves and engages all stakeholders at one place.

For Compliance

Become ISO, SOC2, HIPPA, GDPR compliant without the hassle.

Traboda covers all the essential tests required for you to achieve ISO 27001, HIPAA, CIS, SOC2 or GDPR compliance. Through our streamlined end-to-end process, we help you secure your systems thoroughly and ensures every loophole is covered.


Speciality Testing Services

API Testing

API Testing

APIs are used for critical operations in your application, and play a key role in implementing your business logic. Find and fix vulnerabilities in your API endpoints, that might lead to information leakage, unauthorized access, service outage etc.

Data Security Testing

Data Security Testing

Protect the privacy of user's personal data and sensitive content in your cloud, by auditing existing configurations, ensuring secure encryption & data storage, streamlining DevOps processes and server hardening to make sure your data never gets breached.

Business Logic Testing

Business Logic Testing

Perform specialized tests keeping your business logic in mind, specifically targeting critical user and admin operations and features. This can uncover vulnerabilities that let hackers bypass your pay-wall, subscriptions, download or access unauthorized information or content from your application.

Payment Manipulation Testing

Payment Manipulation Testing

Detect flaws in your checkout flow, and misconfigurations in payment gateway integrations, and protect your application from credit card hacks, form-jacking, price manipulation attacks and more.

Network Security Testing

Network Security Testing

Assess the device patch level, logging & auditing mechanisms, authentication implementations & run tests based on device configuration, administrative and authentication services, network filtering, protocol analysis.

Known CVEs Testing

Known CVEs Testing

Diagnose your application against commonly used vulnerabilities and attack-techniques that hackers may exploit to harm your business. Test your application against playbooks of hackers, before they do, and beat them in their own game.

Automotive Testing

Automotive Testing

Test supplier electronic and smart automotive components, integration of those components, and the entire connected network of vehicle from sensors, bluetooth, wifi among others. Protect your vehicles from compromise and elevated risks of safety hazards, sending in your devices to our Lab or bringing us on-site.

Industrial Control System (ICS) Testing

Industrial Control System (ICS) Testing

Test, discover, and patch vulnerabilities in ICS technology used in critical infrastructure with in your complex and automated environments. Our hardware security team can come on-site to perform tests, and work closely with your team.

Internet Of Things (IoT) Testing

Internet Of Things (IoT) Testing

Test your smart IoT based home, medical, industrial and operational devices solutions, during design, in production facilities, and along your entire supply chain.

Get insights that fortify your security and ensure compliance.

Automatic Scanning

Go beyond automated scanning

Our talented, creative, and experienced specialists uncover business logic and privilege escalation vulnerabilities that can only be found manually. We find beyond what automated scanners could detect to ensure all critical vulnerabilities are addressed.


Actionable reports instead of canned PDFs

Our platform-integrated reporting and analytics panel go beyond static listing of vulnerabilities with their risk scores. Get complete information such as impact, affected components, steps to reproduce, suggested fixes about very vulnerability we detect, right from the dashboard.


Integrate pentests to your SDLC

In addition to validating the security of your assets from a compliance perspective, penetration tests can be proactively used throughout your Agile or DevSecOps lifecycle to detect and fix flaws before they get released into production. We’ll help you find vulnerabilities where your developers never thought about.


Assess true business impacts of vulnerabilities

Our pentest simulate a real-world attack on the apps and services most critical to your business. Having been performed with an attacker perspective, these tests can demonstrate the true business impact of vulnerabilities, allowing you to prioritize fixing the most critical loopholes to secure your business.

Pentests reimagined for the fast modern world.

Experience Our Hybrid Penetration Testing Solution.

See how our 7-stage end-to-end pentration testing service (PtaaS) is streamlined -



Signup for our service through this website. Map out the scope and enter the essential scan requirements such as login details, technology etc. through our guided signup wizard.

Instantly obtain an quote, and make payment right from our portal.



We'll review your requirements and assign specialists with best suited skills for your needs.

Specialist and our fulfillment manager gets in touch with you to discuss and schedule the pentests.



You stay in the loop with real-time updates, when our pentesters carry out extensive automated and manual testing.

You can communicate with them throughout the process, as they uncover vulnerabilities and report it straight to you.



You receive reports of vulnerabilities as they are found right through our dashboard, with all essential information such as risk rating, potential cause, steps to reproduce, and remediation guidelines.

Through integrated workflows and real-time collaboration, you can start remediation even when the tests are underway, without waiting for the final report.



Bring your developers straight into our dashboard as team members, who can then view vulnerabilities and start patching them.

If your team have questions or need help, you can always connect with our specialists who work hand-to-hand with your team.

Let us know when you have patched a vulnerability, and we will run a re-scan to ensure everything is 100% running.



Our dashboard automatically generates customized views for each type of stakeholders, with the right blend of information they would want to know.

Your teams will be delighted by the ease of use to track and communicate pentest program results.



We record and analyze your pentest results to identify systemic issues across the development lifecycle, and track security posture improvements over time.

Through our portal, you could continuously run pentesting rounds, and extensively track and monitor progress and improvements as time passes.

Detect and patch every vulnerability
with Traboda.