CTF competitions have emerged as a widely recognized and highly effective method for learning and assessing cyber security skills. By incorporating a game-based approach, CTFs provide a practical and engaging platform to enhance understanding of cyber security concepts, tools, and techniques. These competitions offer a proven and popular pedagogy, allowing participants to test their abilities while fostering the development of practical skills in the field of cyber security.
By providing hands-on training and practical experience in a competitive environment, CTFs offer a means to keep teams one-step ahead of emerging cyber threats.These competitions serve as a valuable tool for organizations, whether they are seeking to benchmark candidates and identify top talents during recruitment processes or train their existing teams.
CTF's hosted
Events hosted
For Enterprises
We offer tailored CTF solutions for enterprises, providing a range of benefits to enhance your cyber security initiatives.
Use Cases
- Organise Recruitment Contests
- Benchmark Skills of Cyber Workforce & Identify Skill Gaps
- Organise Hands-on Training
Tailored Features
- Role-Based Access Control
- Single-Sign On
- Whitelabelling
For Educators
We offer a safe and controlled environment where students can actively engage in hands-on learning, applying cyber security concepts in real-world scenarios
Use Cases
- Give & Manage Practical Lab Assignments
- Organise Practical Cyber Exams
- Provide Practice Platform for Cyber Security Courses
Tailored Features
- Class & Batch Management
- Advanced Plagiarism Protection
- Whitelabelling
For the Community
Join our community where we promote cyber security education and engagement by providing an accessible platform for enthusiasts to organize their own CTF competitions using our platform.
Use Cases
- Run Flagship CTF Competitions
- Recruit & Train Members, Track their Progress
Tailored Features
- Class & Batch Management
- Advanced Plagiarism Protection
- Wide Variety of Integrations
Challenge Types & Game Formats to Suit Every Need
Inspired by the famous game show "Jeopardy," this format features a range of categories and corresponding challenges, each assigned with different points based on their difficulty
Attack-Defense CTFs simulate real-world scenarios by allowing teams to attack and defend their own systems or networks.. Teams engage in offensive and defensive operations simultaneously.
King of the Hill
Test participants' skills in securing and maintaining control of a designated "hill" or central server. Compete to gain and retain control of the hill by exploiting vulnerabilities and defending against attacks
Question - Answer
Provide participants with specific questions or prompts related to cyber security and requiring them to submit the correct answers
Secure Coding
Interactive secure coding program let’s participants dive into hands-on exercises where you'll analyse vulnerable code, identify vulnerabilities, and learn how to effectively fix them
Code Submission
Submit your code, unleash it against our comprehensive test cases, and receive expert assessments
Advanced Plagiarism Protection
Unique Flag For Every Contestant
Combat plagiarism and foster authenticity with our unique plagiarism protection mechanism that assigns a unique flag to every contestant.
Cheating Detection Mechanism
The platform is equipped with a novel mechanism that can identify answer sharing scenarios to mark out defaulters and find cheating.
Intelligent Contestant Tracking
The generated flag, which are unique to each participant, can be traced back to each participant.
End-To-End Platform To Fully Manage Cyber Assessments & Contests
Customizable Registration Fields, Rules & Flow
Seamlessly adapt to your platforms registration process to suit your unique needs.Design and implement custom registration fields, rules, and flow to gather precise user data and streamline user onboarding.
On-Demand Managed Challenge Deployments
Each challenge is deployed precisely when you need it, eliminating wasteful costs and ensuring optimal efficiency. Experience seamless scalability as our solution adapts to your needs, effortlessly handling an influx of participants
Configurable Scoring Metrics & Scoreboard
you are in full control of how scores are assigned, allowing you to tailor the scoring system to match your unique events objectives. Experience the thrill of real-time score updates as each team or participants progress is beautifully represented in dynamic graph formats
After solving each challenge, access the comprehensive writeup designed to showcase the intended approach by the challenge author. Supports code snippets and attachments
Add comprehensive handouts to each challenge in various file formats - from code snippets to complete source code zip files
As they use hints, they trade points for guidance, striking a perfect balance between support & challenge
Notices & Notifications
Provide clarity with notices that shed light on challenge rules, event guidelines etc. Seamlessly push custom notifications to participants during the CTF, keeping them updated on critical announcements and time-sensitive details
Custom Pages
Create personalized pages that align with your organizations unique needs and branding. Whether its an About Us section, Rules and Guidelines, or any other essential information
Dynamic Points
The point value for the problem decreases with each solve. Additional solves on a problem also reduce the number of points that previous solvers received for solving it
Navigate a carefully curated journey as certain challenges require completion before attempting specific ones
Set the date and time for challenges to be automatically released, providing participants with a consistent and organized flow of tasks
Advanced Analytics
Comprehensive analytics provide real-time data on participant progress, challenge completion rates, and leaderboard dynamics
Highly Themable
Customize every aspect of your CTF event, from the stunning landing page to the choice of fonts and colors
Seamlessly integrate email notifications into your CTF platform to keep participants updated on critical announcements, new challenges, and leaderboard changes
Multilingual Support
Ensures a seamless experience for participants from all over the world by providing multilingual support for your CTF platform
Privacy Controls & GDPR Compliance
Safeguard information with robust privacy measures, and rest assured that your CTF platform aligns with the strictest data protection standards
Automated Backups & Recovery
In the event of data loss or system failures, our automated recovery process swiftly restores your platform to its latest state, minimizing downtime and preserving your hard work
Extensive Logging
Our platform provides detailed and comprehensive logs that capture every action, event, and transaction, ensuring a thorough record of all activities during your CTF event
Integrate with Your Favourite Tools, and Run Your CTF Your Way.
Bring Your Challenges, or We’ll make them for You.
Empower your organization's cyber security initiatives with our flexible CTF challenge offerings. Choose from two exciting options tailored to your needs: host your own CTF challenges or opt for our expertly crafted custom challenges.
Bring & Use Your Own Challenges
Seamlessly host and showcase your own CTF challenges, leveraging our robust infrastructure and intuitive interface
Tailored Challenges from Seasoned Experts
Our team of seasoned professionals can create custom challenges that address your organization's specific requirements, ensuring a personalized and targeted learning experience